General introduction
About in a haif of year after publication of the announcement of this jubilee tourney Grigory Popov suggested to organize a site of the competition (and his assistance for what I am very thankful to him). Besides different information it could be possible to insert the depersonalized compositions on it received for the tourney. Besides obvious advantage as to quick receiving of different remarks on the tourney problems there appeared some doubts as to status of the promulgated compositions on the sate. But the idea it self seems to be interesting and useful. Thats why during some time I have been thought through the situation and decided that the depersonalized compositions on the site could not be considered as published. Some composers shared my opinion, but there were some other opinions. Thats why I shall try to argue my position.
Lets take The Code of chess composition, published some years ago in the magazine The Chess composition. In part II of the Chapter V Publications, Point 20 Definition of the publication, paragraph (b): demonstration and usage of it (compositionY.G.) in lectures or solving tourneys, that are likely to categories, counted in the supplement 1.
Paragraph (3): a chess composition, that was firstly published according to the paragraph (2b) received priority rights since the day of such publication and it can also to be sent to any tourney during the next two years.
Yes, in the Supplement I it is written only about solving tourneys, demonstrating on public lectures and so on, where the number of participants from many countries may be often comparable with that of my sitein February there were about 200 of them. But time flies. And why not to add into this list tourneys like my jubilee one?
In the point 21 - Form of publication it is said: Publication of the chess compositions a rule has to contain representation its position on a diagramme. Apart of it the following characteristics must be pointed out: (a) name of the author (the authors)
Thus the compositions of the jubilee tourney, that are carried out on the site as depersonalized ones must not be considered as published and those of them that are not in the list of distincted problems in this tourney have right to participate in any other competition due to conditions of the Point 20 (Part II, Chapter V)