The commission of Chess composition of Ukraine announces an International JT Yu.Gordian-70 in such sections:
n#4-6 (more-movers in 4-6 moves);
S#4-8 (selfmates in 4-8 moves);
h#4-8 (helpmates in 4-8 moves).
Judge in all the sections is Yu.Gordian – hero of the anniversary.
In the sections of selfmates and helpmates special distinctions are determined for realization of a theme: “A full value mutate problem with set play that has common contents with the actual play and which is of equal length with the actual solution”.
Mat, 1989, 3 prize
V.Kirillov, Ì.Ìishko, V.Shevchenko & G.Shinkarenko
JT M.Gershinsky-70, 2006, 2 prize
The prize fund is 300$.
Entries to be send to: Yu.Gordian, p.b. 66, Odessa-26, 65026, Ukraine or E-mail:
gordian37@mail.ru by February,15 2007